CPD Advantage

Our Fall/Winter PD session is now open for registration. Under our CPD Advantage Program purchase any course at a 50% discount between now and September 30, 2023, using the promotional code 23FALL50 at cart checkout.

The CPD Advantage program runs for six weeks before each of the Spring and Fall/Winter sessions begin. Members can purchase an unlimited number of courses during these discount sales periods using a promotional code at cart checkout. For more CPD Advantage information check out our Frequently Asked Questions. 

 Promotional Code for Fall/Winter 2023/24 Courses: 23FALL50

On our CPD Courses page, you can see course topics, delivery formats, CPD hours, and pricing at a glance. Live Stream (virtual or in-person) courses can also be seen on the CPD Calendar. 

You will also notice the new CPA Pro logo on some courses. This logo indicates that these courses have been created by the CPA profession to equip CPAs with the latest knowledge needed to succeed and lead. 

Members must register online, and organizations wanting to register their staff as a group can use this form. Should you have any questions regarding an existing or a new registration, please refer to our Terms & Conditions , email us at [email protected], or call 902-425-7273.  

Wondering which course you should register for next?  Take our quiz below!

CPD Course Quiz: Which Course Should You Choose Next?

In five years, I would like to:

  1. Be using the most current technologies to improve my business
  2. Have a succession plan for retirement
  3. Have confidence in my professional skills and abilities
  4. Improve my business’s online presence


When I start a new job position, I think:

  1. How can I use AI to differentiate myself from the competition
  2. Is there appropriate training and information for me to take over the role
  3. Are people going to wonder how I achieved such a prestigious position
  4. How can we grow our client base


The topic that most interests me is:

  1. Information Technology
  2. Professional Leadership Skills
  3. Personal Development
  4. Communications and Marketing


My dream vacation is:

  1. Going to space
  2. New York City
  3. Hollywood, California
  4. Disney World


Quiz Results

If you've chosen:

Mostly answer 1, you should register for: What Accountants Need to Know About Generative AI

Mostly answer 2, you should register for: Exit and Succession Planning

Mostly answer 3 you should register for: Overcome Imposter Syndrome and Accelerate your Professional Progress

Mostly answer 4 you should register for: Branding and Marketing for Small Business